Thursday 27 September 2018

10 ways a virtual reality documentary can create a positive impact

In modern era of journalism, the need to create a positive impact with quality content is needed more than ever. Issues all around the world need a platform to address and a medium to be seen.

The arrival of virtual reality has proved very helpful in bringing this change. Modern virtual reality documentary are a great medium of showing ground reality of a situation without any alteration or editing.
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Modern VR journalism can do a lot for positive impact. Here are a few ways it can happen –

  • VR documentary showcases an event by taking the observant to the location.
  • Realistic experience helps in building empathy among the masses. 
  • VR based content has a response button through which the viewer can register their views.
  • The content can come with CTA or donate button. Since the viewer is inside the reality, they can make the decision in real time. 
  • 360 degree virtual reality videos are capable of highlighting the issue in a better way. The virtual world becomes a platform to engage with the content. 
  • Since the content is recorded in real time, the chance of editing or manipulating is very minimal. 
  • Only a virtual reality documentary can take the audience in the shoes of the ones who are facing the issue. This way, the content becomes more engaging. 
  • Virtual reality content is not bound by time and medium. The user can watch the content at their convenience and share it with their friends. 
  • Social impact spreads faster on VR platform as it is shareable on the internet, social media and on email. More people will know about the content and a unique way to read it, the message will spread among a larger set of audience. VR is not as restrictive as TV or internet. 
  • VR content is not restricted by genre. One can create content on any topic and expect a great engagement. 

Virtual reality is the future of content marketing. Modern VR journalism has helped in creation of world class content and is hoping for more realistic takes as technology upgrades.

ElseVR is a reliable virtual reality company offering various VR based solutions to different brands. You too can connect with their team of experts and learn how your brand can create a positive impact with their content.

Friday 24 August 2018

3 key points of Immersive learning through VR documentary

Education is not limited to classrooms and the walls of learning centres. With students finding learning material online, the need to make the experience of learning larger than a place or a venue has become more important than ever.
Universities around the world are inviting students to take their courses without going through the burden of visiting the place which may be far away from their home. To make this possible, many learning centres have started using the technique VR documentary and immersive journalism uses. Virtual reality is the future of education and here are a few reasons how. 

VR brings the world together in a classroom
With the use of a VR headset, everyone can be a part of classrooms while sitting at their homes. At the same time any important lesson or chapter is not missed when students take the class powered by virtual reality. The courses are easy to complete and the exams have a similar authenticity that a physical classroom has. 

VR makes education cheaper 
Like Immersive journalism makes news broadcasting cheaper, the education system powered by VR proves to be cost efficient without downgrading the quality. VR makes it possible for the students to stay at home or at work and take part in the classes at their own convenience. Education system starts saving money of the individuals. Since all the courses are online, the money is saved on buying books and stationary. 

VR is not time bound
Those who work and earn while pursuing their courses find it hard to adjust their classes as per the work schedule. But with VR, the class can be adjusted with time that they choose and not what is selected by the system. 

For more examples in VR documentary, contact expert team of Else VR.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Changes that a VR documentary will bring in the mindset of your audience

The rise of virtual reality has been observed as the biggest game changer in terms of storytelling. For businesses across the world, this new feature has proved a challenging yet interesting medium to increase their thought process. With the presence of many VR companies, going with a good VR based project has become a reality. A reliable company like Else VR already has several projects under their umbrella that spans genres of VR documentary including news, dance and entertainment.

Many experts believe that soon VR will become so mainstream that brands and filmmakers will have to learn how to adapt to this feature. Why VR is necessary? Here are some reasons –

VR connects with audience on a greater level – TV, radio, billboards are all good to catch the attention of the audience. But when Virtual reality takes over a project, the audience is able to feel the effect of the content on a personal level. While traditional mediums are just see and learn, Virtual reality takes the user into the world where the story of the content is taking place.

Empathy becomes stronger – When the user inside the virtual reality medium, they are able to observe the content. The emotions are felt on a personal level and as a result, the empathy becomes stronger and connecting on a higher level. The impact of story is highest inside the virtual reality medium.

VR is cost saving – Unlike the traditional means, the VR saves funds in many ways. While TV and billboards require arranging of certain equipment and techniques, purchasing of ad space during a specific area of a time slot, VR saves you from doing the same.

For more details on virtual reality and journalism, feel free to connect with our experts at Else VR.

Friday 20 July 2018

Qualities that make VR storytelling better than television

There are a number of mediums through which a story can be told. An individual needs to find the most convenient way to read and grasp the story. This is the reason why the users of physical books and kindle are so divided with their opinions about which medium is better and effective.

Same like books, the moving stories, TV shows, news and films are needed to be told in a medium that is accessible to the audience. Without the user feeling the cause of story being told, its purpose will be lost.

This era has been the rise of VR storytelling. This medium takes the audience inside the world where the story is taking place and provides a greater level of emotions to the audience. This medium is slowly taking over from TV and there are reasons why it is happening.

VR reality user is able to experience the world while the TV user can only see it

Imagine a TV show with fantastical elements. The story is great and so are the visuals. But don’t you think that its impact will be way better if the audience are able to see the story happening and the events taking place while they are the citizens of that world. With the help of 360 virtual reality, you can bring the world to reality. TV fails in making this happen.

VR is not bound by time and location

While one needs to be in front of a TV set with access to proper channels to enjoy that show, the user of VR can access the content from anywhere. Not being restricted by time makes virtual reality so useful.

With Else VR, all your virtual reality needs find a solution. Connect with our team to bring your dream VR project to life.

Thursday 12 July 2018

3 sectors that can take the advantage of the growth of virtual reality in India

The rise of virtual reality took the world market by storm. Various sectors across the globe experimented with this innovations and created ground breaking results. With the rapid expansion of Indian market, the need to adapt to something innovative has become very important. One of the modern innovations of communication and storytelling that the world has seen is the rise of virtual reality. Indian markets can use this innovation and work on some creative ways of storytelling.
Here are some industry sectors that should consider using virtual reality in India and make the best out of it.

Ad industry 

Advertising is the most innovative way to connect with the audience and convince them to buy or try a product. Through innovative advertising, many businesses have made an impact in the market. Today, virtual reality can not only increase the impact but will also make the audience know and learn more about the product.

Real estate 

Showing a piece of property to the interested buyers has always been a task filled with different challenges. The buyer is always suspicious about the final outcome of the space. Adding to this problem, one also ends up spending a lot of time and resources on keeping staff just for the tour of the home space. With adapting to virtual reality applications, real estate companies can show a 3D representation of the home to their buyers while they are in the office only. Saving a lot of time and money in the process.

News and multimedia

The need to make news audience interactive has made many broadcasting networks look beyond television and internet. With adaptation of augmented reality, it is now possible to make the news personalized. This innovation can take the audience into the heart of the place from where the news is being broadcasted, making the content more appealing.

Tuesday 26 June 2018

3 ways in which immersive journalism is going to change the world

The age of Virtual reality has just started. Brands and media houses are looking for ideas to adapt virtual reality in their content. Many have succeeded and have created benchmark while others are just waiting for the technology to evolve and go to a level where they can adapt their idea into something worthwhile.

When it comes to adapting to virtual reality in the daily content, there is no other field which has the potential to use VR like journalism has. The process of taking the audience at the site of the news and then connect with them in a much deeper way is called immersive journalism and it has a lot of potential. Here are some of the reasons why it is believed so.

Greater empathy is achieved – Virtual reality product’s success depends on the empathy of the user. The scale at which an individual experiencing the VR content is able to feel the power of the story and connect with it on an emotional level is known as empathy. A VR documentary or a news report has the capability to do that because they show content from the events of real life.

Call to action gets a better response – Only virtual reality guarantees that the audience will respond to call to action button. With TV or radio, there is no guarantee that the audience will pick their phones and register their opinions. But since VR content comes with a CTA and all the viewer needs to do is to click on the desired option, the response is higher.

You get to catch the viewer’s interest – Depth in storytelling catches the interest of the viewer. Just like in virtual reality filmmaking, the aim is to indulge the audience into the content. If the content is good, the audience won’t realize that they have travelled into a different world.

Because of advantages like these, Virtual Reality has a lot of potential in news and journalism.

Friday 22 June 2018

Three examples of how brands use 3D virtual reality

Since the inception of VR, this innovation has seen a flow of creativity by brands and businesses. In modern age, the virtual reality has become a matter of interest and every campaign to promote the business is looking for creative ways to exploit the many potentials.

This way, 3D virtual reality has become mainstream. It has an estimated 90 million users across the world, it is guaranteed that it will lead to a major paradigm shift in marketing, advertising and e-commerce markets. Soon, VR will change the way consumers perceive products.

This is one reason why companies have inclined towards VR. Some of the creative ways in which brands have used 3D virtual reality are mentioned below –

Uber – Jungle at Zurich Station 

Uber came up with this creative idea and transferred its users to an artificial AR constructed jungle. at Zurich’s rail station, this artificial forest was created and one could see animals too. This was a fun away to indulge in an interactive session with people and it generated over one million views on YouTube.

Volvo – Virtual ride inside new Volvo car 

Volvo’s new car is a dream for many. While they can’t afford it, it is not impossible to get inside one and take a ride. Thanks to Volvo’s VR program, the users got a first-hand experience of taking a ride in their latest car. Not only this, but Volvo also created a simulated reality so that the users can get a fun experience while taking the ride.

IKEA – Virtually try furniture at home 

The Swedish company IKEA went ahead to create a simulation that allowed users to try their furniture at home. They made this possible with the use of virtual reality.

Else VR is one of the biggest Virtual reality companies in India. With a team of experts, they thrive to create world class content that guarantees improved brand recognition and content build-up.

Monday 18 June 2018

Virtual Reality News – New Era of News

On account of the inclination it gives 'of really being there', everybody is getting a charge out of virtual reality substance all things considered. All verticals are utilizing virtual reality fundamentally to connect with clients, influencers, and brand partners. Be it courses, item demos, design shows, or preparing programs, virtual reality has helped conquer any hindrance between individuals in the best way. Today, it is workable for understudies to really design a visit to a goal that would have generally required a considerable measure of time and cash. Indeed, even travel organizations utilize it to give individuals an essence of what it resembles to be in a specific nation. All things considered, virtual reality is digging in for the long haul and has made its stamp in each field. So for what reason would news coverage remain behind?

The following enormous thing out there is - virtual reality news. Dislike individuals have not seen VR news. In any case, those are little in number. Most by far is yet to encounter the appeal and effect of virtual reality news. When you watch news in virtual reality, you can really feel as though you are in that spot. On the off chance that you are viewing the ocean, you can really hear the slamming of waves and see water surrounding you. In the event that it's a jump on a mountain, you can actually go over it, appreciate the view and absorb the amazing magnificence to the extent your eyes can see.

The excellence of 360 virtual reality is that you are dependably in charge. You choose what you need to see and by the insignificant turn of your head, you can change the view. Additionally, you are totally detached from your general surroundings. It's simply you and what you have seen. So the effect is much more intense than what it would be the point at which you watch things on your standard TV set. Obviously, it is this first-individual inclination that is giving virtual reality news an edge over different stages. All you require is great VR gear.

Saturday 9 June 2018

How VR Production companies benefit you

There are a few advantages of taking advantage of the aptitude of experts who are pros in virtual reality or VR innovation. Before we simply ahead and comprehend them finally, let us initially comprehend what virtual the truth is about. Virtual reality as a term depicts the three-dimensional condition we encounter by temperance of PCs. Anybody and everybody can encounter it and play out an extensive variety of activities while in that world. Virtual the truth is accomplished utilizing innovation that depends on different frameworks that animate our faculties and bring us into a universe of figment. Nowadays, practically all fields including pharmaceutical, instruction, vehicle, design, gaming and stimulation depend on virtual reality. In the event that you require it as well, here's the reason you ought to get it from a decent VR production companies.

Through the privilege VR production companies, you can get an entrance to the best virtual reality pros with know-how of the most recent in innovation and patterns. Clearly, they know precisely how to use this learning to upgrade client encounter. Outsourcing dependably spares a considerable measure of cash since you don't need to contract an in-house group of designers who can deal with all your VR production necessities. Plus, the best originates from the individuals who are experienced. We are for the most part mindful, the individuals who are experienced and equipped are difficult to discover. Same goes for gear. You need great and the most recent gear which costs a ton of cash. Outsourcing in this way is the simplest and the most lucrative choice.

All huge Virtual Reality companies comprehend the numerous subtleties of various VR stages that are required to make differing virtual reality applications. Since there are devoted experts for each task, you can be guaranteed of shorter undertaking courses of events as well. Search for an organization that has great comprehension of well known VR stages and has an easily vast group measure. You would not need your undertaking to endure in light of their faithfulness towards a greater and better-paying customer. It has an unmistakable correspondence on such things from the get-go to guarantee better administration and a long haul affiliation.

How 3D virtual Reality Play Vital Role in Entertainment

Virtual reality is about immersive narrating. It takes watchers to a better place, an alternate time in a jiffy. The experience is depicted as remarkable by the individuals who appreciate watching stuff in 3D Virtual Reality. When you watch a story in virtual reality, nothing or nobody matters. You are in that spot, viewing the dramatization unfurl just before your eyes. It's an immersive stage and holds massive potential for connecting with narrating. Be it amusements, documentaries, or news, everything that has been conveyed utilizing this stage has been generally welcomed. Obviously, virtual reality is taking excitement to another high.

The immersive quality is an immense attract with regards to 3D virtual reality. It is by and large effectively utilized for true to life classes. It being another domain, a considerable measure stays to be learnt and investigated. Given the variety of reasonable VR headsets and gear coming into the market, virtual reality movies will soon be available to every last one. Its quality to seclude watchers from everything around makes it an intense stage for storytellers.

VR creation organizations are utilizing the feeling of essence virtual reality offers. The sentiment of being over the mountain or swimming under the sea is effortlessly conceivable on account of virtual reality. It puts watchers ideal inside the story as though they are physically there, engrossing everything occurring around them. This first-individual inclination is extraordinary when you are viewing overwhelming films or survey moving stories.

With the insignificant turn of the head, you can really change the scenes you are observing in this way causing a significant move in how the story is told. Essentially, you are in charge and it is you who chooses what you need to see. This sort of energy makes the entire experience considerably more personal and locks in. Decision and intuitiveness are in certainty one of the significant reasons why VR content is ending up so prominent. While conventional storytellers are still somewhat uneasy of offering control to watchers, the more present day ones have grasped 3D virtual reality with open arms.

Friday 18 May 2018

Get the right deal with virtual reality production companies in these simple steps

As a filmmaker, your topmost priority should be to understand a way to provide an experience of the lifetime to your audience. Among the many ways in which you can make it possible is by working with virtual reality production companies.

Virtual reality experience brings the audience to the world where the film is taking place. A number of documentary filmmakers, ad companies and news channels have started experimenting with virtual reality. They want to make sure that their viewers get to enjoy storytelling in a way that has been never told before.

When you are dealing with a company that specializes in this way of storytelling, here are a few steps you should keep in mind.

The timeline of the project 

Timeline is very important for any project, whether it is a simple radio ad or a top notch virtual reality film. With this timeline, you can make sure that all the aspects of your project will be taken care of in the right way. From scriptwriting to the manpower arrangement, every task will commence smoothly and with utmost professionalism.

The quality of the project 

Every project has some basic requirements and the production team can either make it look like a visual treat, a mediocre experience or give it is very poor treatment making it unwatchable. The quality of project needs to be decided in advance because it will in return decide upon a lot of things. Budget of the project is one of the most important factors because of which the quality and experience can be either elevated or made simple. This factor should be kept in mind and everything should be discussed with the production company in advance.

An experience VR based company like Else VR will provide you the best in this genre. As one of the biggest and most versatile virtual reality production companies in India, their projects have earned a number of accolades on national and international platforms.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Use of Virtual Reality Applications Across Various Industries

VR or virtual the truth is being considered as the eventual fate of tech. It is being normal that there will be a 400% expansion in the quantity of dynamic VR clients in 2018. From instruction and social insurance to design and military, there are different ventures that are applying this innovation effectively. With virtual reality applications, it has turned out to be simpler for entrepreneurs to acquaint their items or administrations with the clients in a one of a kind way.

What is virtual reality? 

Virtual the truth is fundamentally a PC reenacted condition that emulates physical nearness in reality. A Stereoscopic Head Mounted Display (HMD) is required by clients to encounter the virtual reality world. For example, Oculus Rift is most exceptional HMD being utilized as a part of the market as of now. Other than this gadget, there are a few other moderate alternatives that can be utilized to encounter the virtual world, for example, Google Cardboard and Samsung's Gear VR. These moderate alternatives utilize either an iOS or Android cell phone for showing virtual recordings.

There are different businesses that are putting resources into improvement of virtual reality applications: 

Travel industry 

Virtual reality applications are as a rule generally utilized as a part of the movement business with the assistance of which individuals can visit a specific area for all intents and purposes even before making a booking. These applications are helpful for individuals who wish to design out their touring ahead of time. All they require is their cell phone and a VR headset to look at different areas for all intents and purposes, rather than simply experiencing pictures.

Land industry 

Some land organizations are bringing VR applications into utilization for indicating properties to their customers. They are giving purchasers a chance to influence virtual reality to visit in 3D so they can get a vibe of how the home looks from inside without going by it face to face. Considering the developing prominence of VR encounter, more organizations are creating 360-degree recordings and photograph reasonable 3D world for their customers.

Instruction part 

Virtual reality applications are additionally well known in the instruction segment. With this innovation, it has turned out to be anything but difficult to give handle outings to understudies without taking them outside the classroom. There is most likely that VR isn't as energizing as perhaps a day at the zoo however it is extremely helpful in influencing children to learn.

Car industry 

Virtual reality has just been adjusted by the car business since organizations like Audi and Ford are putting forth 3D encounters to clients, empowering them to check distinctive models of autos before observing them, in actuality. Through this, clients can settle on choices speedier. They can likewise get the models redid in the wake of seeing a model in the VR application.

Essentially, there are two distinctive methods for making content for VR applications. It is either through 360 degree videos immersive recordings or by making 3D movement. Considering the fame of VR applications, interest for virtual reality production companies is likewise on the ascent. Different ventures are exploiting this innovation by getting applications composed.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Part of Digital Storytelling in education

VR gaming or virtual reality gaming offers the experience of a three-dimensional condition in which uses can communicate with that condition while playing an amusement. VR gaming is the utilization of a 3D (three dimensional) counterfeit condition to PC amusements. Virtual reality programming is utilized for making such a domain, to the point that supersedes this present reality condition. It for the most part makes a suspension of skepticism and enables the client to encounter the virtual reality condition as though they are watching it in genuine.

In the least complex frame, a 3D virtual reality amusement will include a three dimensional picture that the client can investigate intuitively on a figuring gadget. This investigation should be possible on a registering gadget with the assistance of keys, the mouse or the touchscreen. Advanced renditions incorporate virtual reality headsets that the client needs to wear before playing the amusement. Indeed, even wrap around show screen and VR rooms are likewise a portion of the immersive and complex cases.

At first, virtual reality gaming utilized numerous screens or projector rooms, including the standard console and mouse. In any case, the present complex VR rooms incorporate treadmill floors and barrios different strategies for upgrading the client's feeling of opportunity of emotions and developments inside the virtual condition. In some virtual reality gaming set ups, the clients are restricted to a constrained territory however they are offered an unfenced of movement inside that specific zone.

From virtual reality gaming to virtual reality filmmaking, this innovation has overwhelmed different enterprises. As indicated by the business specialists, the virtual reality industry will wind up supplanting the portable business if increased the truth is incorporated into it. According to a report by Digi-Capital's 2015 Augmented/virtual Reality Report, VR and enlarged the truth is anticipated to be a $150 billion industry by 2020.

Thursday 3 May 2018

How Virtual Reality News Is Going To Change The Future Of Journalism

With development in technology and user experience, the growth of virtual reality systems came into being. Because of the fast internet and instant broadcasting, this technology became popular in no time. Media industry saw the potential and adapted it in their style of work.

If one sector of media has adapted their technique and used virtual reality in its best form then it is undoubtedly the news industry. One of the most famous modern techniques, virtual reality news broadcasting has become extremely interesting.

VR brings audience close to the news 
Journalism is all about making the audiences feel and understand the reality of a story. This has been the most important task of journalists, and by adapting VR the viewers are able to find something new in the wave of same old news broadcasting system.

Old News broadcasting is losing its appeal
With changing times, the traditional journalism which depends on live broadcasts and newspaper prints has lost a huge percentage of its audience. This is why it has become important for the news outlets to figure out ways to keep the audiences interested. As a strategy, many of these news agencies have started adding an exclusive VR feature to their array of services.

First-hand account of news broadcasting possible with VR
Imagine an epidemic which is needed to be handled carefully but one also needs to keep the emotional appeal in the broadcast. This is where virtual reality journalism comes into play. A small add-on on the news channel’s website can take the user virtually at the place where the event is occurring. With VR the audience can attend the Olympics opening ceremony or 4th of July fireworks without leaving their home.

Else VR is a leading mixed reality channel with a cutting edge innovation which makes adapting VR in the field of nonfiction and journalism very easy. Their expertise provides a chance to experiment with user experience and take them to a new world of content marketing. 

How Virtual Reality Companies Are Taking Advertising To A New Level

When it comes to creativity, spontaneity and personalised user experience, nothing matches the appeal of ad industry. It is a world that sees rest of the world totally different. Since the times of newspapers and billboards, the creative personalities in the world of advertising have made sure that whatever they create makes the spectator interested in the product even if they don’t need it.

Ad industry has been highly excited to adapt virtual reality in their campaigns. They have started working with some of the best virtual reality companies to provide their users an experience like none other. Imagine taking your audience into a world where they can see, touch and feel a product or the manufacturing centre where one can see the product coming alive. Sounds incredible right? Well, ad agencies have worked upon a lot of plans and even with limitations; they have created exceptional case studies.

The integration of virtual reality and advertising will remove the existing barrier between the user and the product. Instead of seeing it from a distance, whether it is TV or a billboard, they’ll be able to feel its essence. This is one of the major concepts of 3D virtual reality which implies on the fact that how personalized experiences help in retaining the customers.

When the potential is this huge and the chances of getting creative are incredibly high, it will surely become an integral part of advertising industry soon. With the integration of virtual reality based user experience, the chances of creating an impression and staying ahead from competitors becomes high.

Else VR has been one of the biggest companies working on and innovating this trend. They have been adapting VR in media, journalism and other fields of interest. Their VR experiences have been showcased at major film festivals around the world and have won them several awards and accolades.

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Make a Big Impact with the Best Virtual Reality Production Companies

Virtual reality is making great strides; be it in movies, games, education or entertainment. In fact, it is hard to think of a field that is not leveraging virtual reality for its business. Virtual reality transports you to a fabricated world created using technology, sounds, special effects and all those things that contribute towards making the experience absolutely real and believable. Today, there are exclusive VR headsets too that allow you to have a better experience when you are using your smartphone. There are several companies these days that specialize in virtual reality or VR.

Virtual reality is being used in varying degrees and proportions to augment brand experience and communicate things in a more effective manner. There are several reputed virtual reality production companies including startups that have quite a few skills up their sleeve to deliver VR experience to users with finesse and precision. When you hire a virtual reality production company, you don’t have to worry about things like finding professionals and developers with niche skills, buying and maintaining expensive equipment and curtailing production costs. The company will take care of all your needs and stay within the specified budget to provide you the exact virtual reality experience you had asked for.

Since each vertical is different, the kind of virtual experience required and the impact that is expected will vary too. The right company will be aware of the latest technologies and platforms to create excellent VR visualizations and 360 degree videos for your customers. The company you choose should have a good mix of talent and skills. For instance, a company that offers VR solutions for the gaming industry, should not be good in just creating characters and adding effects, but also have a good amount of logic and reasoning. The game cannot progress merely on the basis of good graphics. There has to be sound logic too in order to keep the players hooked.

As always, plenty of research and survey is recommended in order to find a suitable VR production company.

Monday 23 April 2018

Simple Tips Virtual Reality Production Companies Can Use to Overcome Challenges

Humans and technology together can create wonders and virtual reality is just one of the many examples that prove what we can achieve if we constantly innovate and reinvent. There’s no denying that virtual reality has taken interactivity to a whole new level. Those who wish to weave in immersive experiences into the real world as well as those who wish to escape convention and move on to new, exciting worlds are embracing virtual reality with equal enthusiasm. Despite the growing popularity of virtual reality, adoption has remained a major concern outside of the gaming world. There are a few other challenges too. Read on to know what VR companies can do to overcome them.

VR headsets are not mainstream yet – Yes, that’s a major challenge virtual reality production companies have to deal with. Without a good VR headset, it is impossible to enjoy the VR experience. High cost and the lack of understanding about the potential of virtual reality are largely responsible for this. There is a dire need for companies to produce B2B solutions that clients would readily integrate in their value chain and understand the importance of immersive representation. They need to be told by example how this kind of approach is more beneficial as compared to the conventional methods of advertising. With time, people will eventually understand how important it is to have VR equipment. Hopefully by then the prices will become a little more affordable too.

VR is not perceived as necessity – The biggest downer is that virtual reality is still not considered as a major necessity. So it’s not just the cost. It’s this whole correlation it enjoys with the gaming world and people simply cannot see it as something they need to better their entertainment quotient in any way. Such is the allure and power of virtual reality that it has found a significant role in almost all the sectors globally. Yet, the average viewer is still not sure. There is little awareness about the kind of content that is available in the realm of virtual reality. Not many know that storytelling in VR is completely different and way more effective. It not only evokes deep sense of empathy but gives the viewer the first-hand experience of actually being there. This first-person point of view is extremely important to understand things and fully comprehend the circumstances under which an event occurred.

VR equipment is a great, long-term investment – Since people are not yet convinced about the many benefits of virtual reality, the price they have to pay is viewed as extremely high and unnecessary. Besides, they must also have high-end compatible computers to fully enjoy the Virtual Reality experience. It is critical for VR companies to demonstrate the capabilities of virtual reality through effective campaigns.

Companies are slowly opting for VR apps for training and marketing purposes. Soon, they will realize their full potential and integrate 3D graphics and immersive videos successfully in their marketing strategies.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

3D Virtual Reality Takes Entertainment to the next Level

Virtual reality is all about immersive storytelling. It takes viewers to a different place, a different time in a jiffy. The experience is described as extraordinary by those who enjoy watching stuff in VR. When you watch a story in virtual reality, nothing or no one matters. You are right there, watching the drama unfold right before your eyes. It’s an immersive platform and holds immense potential for engaging storytelling. Be it games, documentaries, or news, everything that has been delivered using this platform has been well received. Needless to say, virtual reality is taking entertainment to a new high.

The immersive quality is a huge draw when it comes to 3D virtual reality. It is being successfully used for non-fiction genres. It being a new territory, a lot remains to be learnt and explored. Given the array of affordable VR headsets and equipment coming into the market, virtual reality films will soon be accessible to one and all. Its quality to isolate viewers from everything around makes it a very powerful platform for storytellers.

VR production companies are employing the sense of presence virtual reality offers. The feeling of being on top of the mountain or swimming under the ocean is easily possible thanks to virtual reality. It puts viewers right inside the story as if they are physically there, absorbing everything happening around them. This first-person feeling is phenomenal when you are watching larger than life movies or viewing moving stories.

With the mere turn of the head, you can actually change the scenes you are watching thereby causing a profound shift in how the story is told. Basically, you are in control and it is you who decides what you want to see. This kind of power makes the whole experience even more intimate and engaging. Choice and interactivity are in fact one of the major reasons why VR content is becoming so popular. While traditional storytellers are still a little apprehensive of giving control to viewers, the more modern ones have embraced virtual reality with open arms.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

How Eager Are You to Experience Non-fiction Virtual Reality?

There have often been debates and discussions about virtual reality. Although there are all kinds of opinions, the fact remains that virtual reality has captured the imagination of viewers across the world in a big way. We can say that virtual reality in India and in other countries has become mainstream as it’s always around us no matter where we go. Every time we go shopping, we see it being used. That’s not all, it has changed the way we play games online or conduct our business. The sense of being in a place without actually being there has opened up an exciting world of opportunities to ambitious entrepreneurs and business owners worldwide.

We experience non-fiction virtual reality in different forms. The immersive experience that it gives users leaves them wanting for more. It is being looked upon as the next big computing platform. Of course, it does necessitate specific equipment. As people continue to understand and leverage the benefits of virtual reality, they will soon upgrade to better software and devices to enjoy a more gratifying VR experience. Gamers are already investing in expensive gadgets and virtual reality games have become common. Be it a crazy car chase or an intense war game, VR offers incredible ways to play and enjoy your favorite game. 

Apart from games, virtual reality journalism is also becoming popular. Films, music, sports, fashion, education, and training are other areas that are leveraging virtual reality for effective promotion and storytelling. Experts are seeing tremendous potential in virtual reality for the education industry. How exciting it would be if students could travel to faraway destinations as part of their field-trips and learn something new and exciting about a place they may never visit in reality. 

The possibilities are limitless and virtual reality is all set to challenge your perceptions about the world around you. It’s time to open up and embrace non-fiction VR. Be it for documentaries, news or educational projects, VR companies are employing virtual reality effectively to enhance your experience. All you need to do is invest in the right equipment.

Thursday 22 March 2018

All You Need to know about Immersive Journalism

In immersive journalism, you get first person experience of situations and events that are described in documentary films or news reports. With the help of ‘immersive technologies’ a sense of ‘being there’ is created. It allows an individual to engage with a story personally, placing them into the event directly. 

Under immersive journalism, one gets to enter a virtually recreated scenario that has been created to represent a particular story. Constructed as computer graphic imagery (CGI), it is easy to insert virtual environments into online virtual worlds. There are various characteristics of immersive journalism. For instance, it includes audience that participates spatially in the story, audio, images and environment that contextualises the story, illusion of a place that is related to where a particular event has occurred and a story that reflects good journalistic practices. 

According to the industry experts, immersive journalism has the potential to drive changes in the media industry. For many years, journalists have been trying their best to identify ways in which the audiences can be better connected to serious events that happen across the globe. They wish to do this in order to build a better understanding and empathy. This is one of the main reasons why many media organisations are turning to virtual reality technology to achieve this goals. For instance, media organisations such as Outside Magazine and Discovery have launched VR initiatives of their own. 

Immersive journalism is getting popular; however, questions of transparency and ethics are also growing among scholars and journalists. This is because media companies are now experimenting with the VR technology and AR (Augmented Reality). With these technologies, it becomes easy for users to interact personally with news reports through virtual screens that can be viewed through VR headsets. 

Another challenges of virtual reality journalism is that it can become difficult to prevent dishonest organisation or individuals from producing fake virtual reality work and passing it off as original. Some media ethicists are also worried about the high cost that goes into creating immersive journalism experience. Experts believe that in order to curb dishonest organisation from making fake VR news, it is necessary that people doing VR journalism should have an ethical code. This code should be published by them and they should also explain their ethics. It will be better if the viewers are aware of the details of the VR piece and whether or not it is scripted.  

Virtual reality technology is getting more intricate and precise with time. Not just journalism but virtual reality filmmaking has also become a trend. Even film makers are taking advantage of this technology. They are creating an immersive sensation besides just the experience of sound and sight. Instead of just creating a scene to be watched, film makers are using virtual reality to create an environment that can be explored by the user. This gives the viewer the liberty to control the viewing experience and choose where to look and how to interact.

Monday 19 February 2018

Get Ready to Experience Virtual Reality News

Media companies are doing everything they can to bring the audiences closer to what they see. So much so, that they can even experience what they are seeing on their screens. That's the power of virtual reality and media companies are leaving no stone unturned to incorporate it in journalism. In fact, we are fast moving towards immersive journalism. The question is- are we ready for it? Let's find out.

Today, you can simply strap on a virtual reality headset and see champions set world records. You can glide over the sea or feel the excitement of skiing while seeing the snow ahead of you and hearing the chatter of your skis before gearing up for the next drop. This is what virtual reality news is all about. Being there in the moment as if it’s happening right in front of you. You are the audience as well as the witness.

Although virtual reality has the potential to change the dynamics of storytelling, it is still not clear how many people would actually like their news to be served in this format. It's cool to watch games, tournaments, and expeditions live. Nothing has really come close to what virtual reality can offer us. But it largely depends on what you see. The sense of being there may not be a good thing if you are watching news related to tsunamis, fire, violence or other disturbing incidents. These incidents cause a huge amount of mental stress and people definitely may not want to be actually there to witness them.

The non-fiction virtual platform may be ideal for showing documentaries. But immersive news is something else. The fact that you are not separated by a screen makes the whole experience very believable. The first person experience is what is drawing viewers to this phenomenal medium. There is no denying that virtual reality is having a huge impact on storytelling and how we experience these stories. It’s only a matter of time before people embrace VR news and choose what they want to see and experience.

Thursday 11 January 2018

Why is virtual reality filmmaking gaining popularity?

Today, virtual reality covers a wide range of audiences. This technology has been changing on a constant basis and it is also being used in the film making procedure. There are many different ways in which virtual reality is changing film making. Film makers are getting a new way to explore complex narratives with the help of this technology.

What is VR?

VR or virtual reality is a new form of experiencing video content. This technology immerses the viewer in the middle of a situation or scene through a headset that the viewer needs to wear over his/her eyes. After wearing the headset, the viewer can look around in any direction in virtual reality rather than viewing a movie passively. Viewers can choose what they want to focus on and even walk though a scene if they wish to. 

360 video is the simplest form of virtual reality which can be easily viewed on a tablet, computer scree or the smartphone. The user can look around them in 360 degrees by moving the screen. The user can also use a headset and move their range of view for a more immersive experience. 

How VR is being used in the film industry?

Besides gaming, entertainment and journalism, virtual realty has also gained new currency in the mainstream film industry. Directors are embracing VR for creating immersive experiences in order to draw more audiences. They are using the technology for re-inventing cinematic practices because VR is giving them the opportunity to complement as well as push the traditional fold of storytelling. 

Through virtual reality filmmaking, viewers are getting to enjoy an experience they have never had before. They are not just watching a story, they are in that story because directors are using VR or 3D virtual reality to create an environment that can be explored and not just watched. Viewers are able to control where they want to look, when and how they want to look and so on. 

In virtual reality filmmaking, the timelines are more flexible. When compared to regular filmmaking, viewers can look at different things or different paths as many times as they want to. They can jump in for 72 hours or even 72 seconds compared to regular filmmaking in which every theatrical release is 72 minutes or more. 

With virtual reality, camera movements also change in filmmaking. Since virtual reality is immersive, some camera movements can give motion sickness to viewers. The camera can be moved; however, there are certain limitations on how it can be done. In this type of filmmaking, the camera control can shift from the filmmaker to the viewer or it can be a combination of both. There is still a lot to experiment as far as camera movements in virtual reality is concerned.

Virtual reality is gaining popularity like never before. It is getting more intricate and precise due to which it is being used in various other industries beyond entertainment and gaming.