Thursday, 3 May 2018

How Virtual Reality Companies Are Taking Advertising To A New Level

When it comes to creativity, spontaneity and personalised user experience, nothing matches the appeal of ad industry. It is a world that sees rest of the world totally different. Since the times of newspapers and billboards, the creative personalities in the world of advertising have made sure that whatever they create makes the spectator interested in the product even if they don’t need it.

Ad industry has been highly excited to adapt virtual reality in their campaigns. They have started working with some of the best virtual reality companies to provide their users an experience like none other. Imagine taking your audience into a world where they can see, touch and feel a product or the manufacturing centre where one can see the product coming alive. Sounds incredible right? Well, ad agencies have worked upon a lot of plans and even with limitations; they have created exceptional case studies.

The integration of virtual reality and advertising will remove the existing barrier between the user and the product. Instead of seeing it from a distance, whether it is TV or a billboard, they’ll be able to feel its essence. This is one of the major concepts of 3D virtual reality which implies on the fact that how personalized experiences help in retaining the customers.

When the potential is this huge and the chances of getting creative are incredibly high, it will surely become an integral part of advertising industry soon. With the integration of virtual reality based user experience, the chances of creating an impression and staying ahead from competitors becomes high.

Else VR has been one of the biggest companies working on and innovating this trend. They have been adapting VR in media, journalism and other fields of interest. Their VR experiences have been showcased at major film festivals around the world and have won them several awards and accolades.

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