Thursday 27 September 2018

10 ways a virtual reality documentary can create a positive impact

In modern era of journalism, the need to create a positive impact with quality content is needed more than ever. Issues all around the world need a platform to address and a medium to be seen.

The arrival of virtual reality has proved very helpful in bringing this change. Modern virtual reality documentary are a great medium of showing ground reality of a situation without any alteration or editing.
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Modern VR journalism can do a lot for positive impact. Here are a few ways it can happen –

  • VR documentary showcases an event by taking the observant to the location.
  • Realistic experience helps in building empathy among the masses. 
  • VR based content has a response button through which the viewer can register their views.
  • The content can come with CTA or donate button. Since the viewer is inside the reality, they can make the decision in real time. 
  • 360 degree virtual reality videos are capable of highlighting the issue in a better way. The virtual world becomes a platform to engage with the content. 
  • Since the content is recorded in real time, the chance of editing or manipulating is very minimal. 
  • Only a virtual reality documentary can take the audience in the shoes of the ones who are facing the issue. This way, the content becomes more engaging. 
  • Virtual reality content is not bound by time and medium. The user can watch the content at their convenience and share it with their friends. 
  • Social impact spreads faster on VR platform as it is shareable on the internet, social media and on email. More people will know about the content and a unique way to read it, the message will spread among a larger set of audience. VR is not as restrictive as TV or internet. 
  • VR content is not restricted by genre. One can create content on any topic and expect a great engagement. 

Virtual reality is the future of content marketing. Modern VR journalism has helped in creation of world class content and is hoping for more realistic takes as technology upgrades.

ElseVR is a reliable virtual reality company offering various VR based solutions to different brands. You too can connect with their team of experts and learn how your brand can create a positive impact with their content.

Friday 24 August 2018

3 key points of Immersive learning through VR documentary

Education is not limited to classrooms and the walls of learning centres. With students finding learning material online, the need to make the experience of learning larger than a place or a venue has become more important than ever.
Universities around the world are inviting students to take their courses without going through the burden of visiting the place which may be far away from their home. To make this possible, many learning centres have started using the technique VR documentary and immersive journalism uses. Virtual reality is the future of education and here are a few reasons how. 

VR brings the world together in a classroom
With the use of a VR headset, everyone can be a part of classrooms while sitting at their homes. At the same time any important lesson or chapter is not missed when students take the class powered by virtual reality. The courses are easy to complete and the exams have a similar authenticity that a physical classroom has. 

VR makes education cheaper 
Like Immersive journalism makes news broadcasting cheaper, the education system powered by VR proves to be cost efficient without downgrading the quality. VR makes it possible for the students to stay at home or at work and take part in the classes at their own convenience. Education system starts saving money of the individuals. Since all the courses are online, the money is saved on buying books and stationary. 

VR is not time bound
Those who work and earn while pursuing their courses find it hard to adjust their classes as per the work schedule. But with VR, the class can be adjusted with time that they choose and not what is selected by the system. 

For more examples in VR documentary, contact expert team of Else VR.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Changes that a VR documentary will bring in the mindset of your audience

The rise of virtual reality has been observed as the biggest game changer in terms of storytelling. For businesses across the world, this new feature has proved a challenging yet interesting medium to increase their thought process. With the presence of many VR companies, going with a good VR based project has become a reality. A reliable company like Else VR already has several projects under their umbrella that spans genres of VR documentary including news, dance and entertainment.

Many experts believe that soon VR will become so mainstream that brands and filmmakers will have to learn how to adapt to this feature. Why VR is necessary? Here are some reasons –

VR connects with audience on a greater level – TV, radio, billboards are all good to catch the attention of the audience. But when Virtual reality takes over a project, the audience is able to feel the effect of the content on a personal level. While traditional mediums are just see and learn, Virtual reality takes the user into the world where the story of the content is taking place.

Empathy becomes stronger – When the user inside the virtual reality medium, they are able to observe the content. The emotions are felt on a personal level and as a result, the empathy becomes stronger and connecting on a higher level. The impact of story is highest inside the virtual reality medium.

VR is cost saving – Unlike the traditional means, the VR saves funds in many ways. While TV and billboards require arranging of certain equipment and techniques, purchasing of ad space during a specific area of a time slot, VR saves you from doing the same.

For more details on virtual reality and journalism, feel free to connect with our experts at Else VR.

Friday 20 July 2018

Qualities that make VR storytelling better than television

There are a number of mediums through which a story can be told. An individual needs to find the most convenient way to read and grasp the story. This is the reason why the users of physical books and kindle are so divided with their opinions about which medium is better and effective.

Same like books, the moving stories, TV shows, news and films are needed to be told in a medium that is accessible to the audience. Without the user feeling the cause of story being told, its purpose will be lost.

This era has been the rise of VR storytelling. This medium takes the audience inside the world where the story is taking place and provides a greater level of emotions to the audience. This medium is slowly taking over from TV and there are reasons why it is happening.

VR reality user is able to experience the world while the TV user can only see it

Imagine a TV show with fantastical elements. The story is great and so are the visuals. But don’t you think that its impact will be way better if the audience are able to see the story happening and the events taking place while they are the citizens of that world. With the help of 360 virtual reality, you can bring the world to reality. TV fails in making this happen.

VR is not bound by time and location

While one needs to be in front of a TV set with access to proper channels to enjoy that show, the user of VR can access the content from anywhere. Not being restricted by time makes virtual reality so useful.

With Else VR, all your virtual reality needs find a solution. Connect with our team to bring your dream VR project to life.

Thursday 12 July 2018

3 sectors that can take the advantage of the growth of virtual reality in India

The rise of virtual reality took the world market by storm. Various sectors across the globe experimented with this innovations and created ground breaking results. With the rapid expansion of Indian market, the need to adapt to something innovative has become very important. One of the modern innovations of communication and storytelling that the world has seen is the rise of virtual reality. Indian markets can use this innovation and work on some creative ways of storytelling.
Here are some industry sectors that should consider using virtual reality in India and make the best out of it.

Ad industry 

Advertising is the most innovative way to connect with the audience and convince them to buy or try a product. Through innovative advertising, many businesses have made an impact in the market. Today, virtual reality can not only increase the impact but will also make the audience know and learn more about the product.

Real estate 

Showing a piece of property to the interested buyers has always been a task filled with different challenges. The buyer is always suspicious about the final outcome of the space. Adding to this problem, one also ends up spending a lot of time and resources on keeping staff just for the tour of the home space. With adapting to virtual reality applications, real estate companies can show a 3D representation of the home to their buyers while they are in the office only. Saving a lot of time and money in the process.

News and multimedia

The need to make news audience interactive has made many broadcasting networks look beyond television and internet. With adaptation of augmented reality, it is now possible to make the news personalized. This innovation can take the audience into the heart of the place from where the news is being broadcasted, making the content more appealing.

Tuesday 26 June 2018

3 ways in which immersive journalism is going to change the world

The age of Virtual reality has just started. Brands and media houses are looking for ideas to adapt virtual reality in their content. Many have succeeded and have created benchmark while others are just waiting for the technology to evolve and go to a level where they can adapt their idea into something worthwhile.

When it comes to adapting to virtual reality in the daily content, there is no other field which has the potential to use VR like journalism has. The process of taking the audience at the site of the news and then connect with them in a much deeper way is called immersive journalism and it has a lot of potential. Here are some of the reasons why it is believed so.

Greater empathy is achieved – Virtual reality product’s success depends on the empathy of the user. The scale at which an individual experiencing the VR content is able to feel the power of the story and connect with it on an emotional level is known as empathy. A VR documentary or a news report has the capability to do that because they show content from the events of real life.

Call to action gets a better response – Only virtual reality guarantees that the audience will respond to call to action button. With TV or radio, there is no guarantee that the audience will pick their phones and register their opinions. But since VR content comes with a CTA and all the viewer needs to do is to click on the desired option, the response is higher.

You get to catch the viewer’s interest – Depth in storytelling catches the interest of the viewer. Just like in virtual reality filmmaking, the aim is to indulge the audience into the content. If the content is good, the audience won’t realize that they have travelled into a different world.

Because of advantages like these, Virtual Reality has a lot of potential in news and journalism.

Friday 22 June 2018

Three examples of how brands use 3D virtual reality

Since the inception of VR, this innovation has seen a flow of creativity by brands and businesses. In modern age, the virtual reality has become a matter of interest and every campaign to promote the business is looking for creative ways to exploit the many potentials.

This way, 3D virtual reality has become mainstream. It has an estimated 90 million users across the world, it is guaranteed that it will lead to a major paradigm shift in marketing, advertising and e-commerce markets. Soon, VR will change the way consumers perceive products.

This is one reason why companies have inclined towards VR. Some of the creative ways in which brands have used 3D virtual reality are mentioned below –

Uber – Jungle at Zurich Station 

Uber came up with this creative idea and transferred its users to an artificial AR constructed jungle. at Zurich’s rail station, this artificial forest was created and one could see animals too. This was a fun away to indulge in an interactive session with people and it generated over one million views on YouTube.

Volvo – Virtual ride inside new Volvo car 

Volvo’s new car is a dream for many. While they can’t afford it, it is not impossible to get inside one and take a ride. Thanks to Volvo’s VR program, the users got a first-hand experience of taking a ride in their latest car. Not only this, but Volvo also created a simulated reality so that the users can get a fun experience while taking the ride.

IKEA – Virtually try furniture at home 

The Swedish company IKEA went ahead to create a simulation that allowed users to try their furniture at home. They made this possible with the use of virtual reality.

Else VR is one of the biggest Virtual reality companies in India. With a team of experts, they thrive to create world class content that guarantees improved brand recognition and content build-up.