Tuesday 26 June 2018

3 ways in which immersive journalism is going to change the world

The age of Virtual reality has just started. Brands and media houses are looking for ideas to adapt virtual reality in their content. Many have succeeded and have created benchmark while others are just waiting for the technology to evolve and go to a level where they can adapt their idea into something worthwhile.

When it comes to adapting to virtual reality in the daily content, there is no other field which has the potential to use VR like journalism has. The process of taking the audience at the site of the news and then connect with them in a much deeper way is called immersive journalism and it has a lot of potential. Here are some of the reasons why it is believed so.

Greater empathy is achieved – Virtual reality product’s success depends on the empathy of the user. The scale at which an individual experiencing the VR content is able to feel the power of the story and connect with it on an emotional level is known as empathy. A VR documentary or a news report has the capability to do that because they show content from the events of real life.

Call to action gets a better response – Only virtual reality guarantees that the audience will respond to call to action button. With TV or radio, there is no guarantee that the audience will pick their phones and register their opinions. But since VR content comes with a CTA and all the viewer needs to do is to click on the desired option, the response is higher.

You get to catch the viewer’s interest – Depth in storytelling catches the interest of the viewer. Just like in virtual reality filmmaking, the aim is to indulge the audience into the content. If the content is good, the audience won’t realize that they have travelled into a different world.

Because of advantages like these, Virtual Reality has a lot of potential in news and journalism.

Friday 22 June 2018

Three examples of how brands use 3D virtual reality

Since the inception of VR, this innovation has seen a flow of creativity by brands and businesses. In modern age, the virtual reality has become a matter of interest and every campaign to promote the business is looking for creative ways to exploit the many potentials.

This way, 3D virtual reality has become mainstream. It has an estimated 90 million users across the world, it is guaranteed that it will lead to a major paradigm shift in marketing, advertising and e-commerce markets. Soon, VR will change the way consumers perceive products.

This is one reason why companies have inclined towards VR. Some of the creative ways in which brands have used 3D virtual reality are mentioned below –

Uber – Jungle at Zurich Station 

Uber came up with this creative idea and transferred its users to an artificial AR constructed jungle. at Zurich’s rail station, this artificial forest was created and one could see animals too. This was a fun away to indulge in an interactive session with people and it generated over one million views on YouTube.

Volvo – Virtual ride inside new Volvo car 

Volvo’s new car is a dream for many. While they can’t afford it, it is not impossible to get inside one and take a ride. Thanks to Volvo’s VR program, the users got a first-hand experience of taking a ride in their latest car. Not only this, but Volvo also created a simulated reality so that the users can get a fun experience while taking the ride.

IKEA – Virtually try furniture at home 

The Swedish company IKEA went ahead to create a simulation that allowed users to try their furniture at home. They made this possible with the use of virtual reality.

Else VR is one of the biggest Virtual reality companies in India. With a team of experts, they thrive to create world class content that guarantees improved brand recognition and content build-up.

Monday 18 June 2018

Virtual Reality News – New Era of News

On account of the inclination it gives 'of really being there', everybody is getting a charge out of virtual reality substance all things considered. All verticals are utilizing virtual reality fundamentally to connect with clients, influencers, and brand partners. Be it courses, item demos, design shows, or preparing programs, virtual reality has helped conquer any hindrance between individuals in the best way. Today, it is workable for understudies to really design a visit to a goal that would have generally required a considerable measure of time and cash. Indeed, even travel organizations utilize it to give individuals an essence of what it resembles to be in a specific nation. All things considered, virtual reality is digging in for the long haul and has made its stamp in each field. So for what reason would news coverage remain behind?

The following enormous thing out there is - virtual reality news. Dislike individuals have not seen VR news. In any case, those are little in number. Most by far is yet to encounter the appeal and effect of virtual reality news. When you watch news in virtual reality, you can really feel as though you are in that spot. On the off chance that you are viewing the ocean, you can really hear the slamming of waves and see water surrounding you. In the event that it's a jump on a mountain, you can actually go over it, appreciate the view and absorb the amazing magnificence to the extent your eyes can see.

The excellence of 360 virtual reality is that you are dependably in charge. You choose what you need to see and by the insignificant turn of your head, you can change the view. Additionally, you are totally detached from your general surroundings. It's simply you and what you have seen. So the effect is much more intense than what it would be the point at which you watch things on your standard TV set. Obviously, it is this first-individual inclination that is giving virtual reality news an edge over different stages. All you require is great VR gear.

Saturday 9 June 2018

How VR Production companies benefit you

There are a few advantages of taking advantage of the aptitude of experts who are pros in virtual reality or VR innovation. Before we simply ahead and comprehend them finally, let us initially comprehend what virtual the truth is about. Virtual reality as a term depicts the three-dimensional condition we encounter by temperance of PCs. Anybody and everybody can encounter it and play out an extensive variety of activities while in that world. Virtual the truth is accomplished utilizing innovation that depends on different frameworks that animate our faculties and bring us into a universe of figment. Nowadays, practically all fields including pharmaceutical, instruction, vehicle, design, gaming and stimulation depend on virtual reality. In the event that you require it as well, here's the reason you ought to get it from a decent VR production companies.

Through the privilege VR production companies, you can get an entrance to the best virtual reality pros with know-how of the most recent in innovation and patterns. Clearly, they know precisely how to use this learning to upgrade client encounter. Outsourcing dependably spares a considerable measure of cash since you don't need to contract an in-house group of designers who can deal with all your VR production necessities. Plus, the best originates from the individuals who are experienced. We are for the most part mindful, the individuals who are experienced and equipped are difficult to discover. Same goes for gear. You need great and the most recent gear which costs a ton of cash. Outsourcing in this way is the simplest and the most lucrative choice.

All huge Virtual Reality companies comprehend the numerous subtleties of various VR stages that are required to make differing virtual reality applications. Since there are devoted experts for each task, you can be guaranteed of shorter undertaking courses of events as well. Search for an organization that has great comprehension of well known VR stages and has an easily vast group measure. You would not need your undertaking to endure in light of their faithfulness towards a greater and better-paying customer. It has an unmistakable correspondence on such things from the get-go to guarantee better administration and a long haul affiliation.

How 3D virtual Reality Play Vital Role in Entertainment

Virtual reality is about immersive narrating. It takes watchers to a better place, an alternate time in a jiffy. The experience is depicted as remarkable by the individuals who appreciate watching stuff in 3D Virtual Reality. When you watch a story in virtual reality, nothing or nobody matters. You are in that spot, viewing the dramatization unfurl just before your eyes. It's an immersive stage and holds massive potential for connecting with narrating. Be it amusements, documentaries, or news, everything that has been conveyed utilizing this stage has been generally welcomed. Obviously, virtual reality is taking excitement to another high.

The immersive quality is an immense attract with regards to 3D virtual reality. It is by and large effectively utilized for true to life classes. It being another domain, a considerable measure stays to be learnt and investigated. Given the variety of reasonable VR headsets and gear coming into the market, virtual reality movies will soon be available to every last one. Its quality to seclude watchers from everything around makes it an intense stage for storytellers.

VR creation organizations are utilizing the feeling of essence virtual reality offers. The sentiment of being over the mountain or swimming under the sea is effortlessly conceivable on account of virtual reality. It puts watchers ideal inside the story as though they are physically there, engrossing everything occurring around them. This first-individual inclination is extraordinary when you are viewing overwhelming films or survey moving stories.

With the insignificant turn of the head, you can really change the scenes you are observing in this way causing a significant move in how the story is told. Essentially, you are in charge and it is you who chooses what you need to see. This sort of energy makes the entire experience considerably more personal and locks in. Decision and intuitiveness are in certainty one of the significant reasons why VR content is ending up so prominent. While conventional storytellers are still somewhat uneasy of offering control to watchers, the more present day ones have grasped 3D virtual reality with open arms.